

Searches and investigations with the authorities in order to determine the claims.

Fraudulent insurance premiums

Researching improper insurance premium collection, review of fraudulent testimony, protecting insurance companies from unfaithful employees.

Injuries and insurance cases

Checking and documentation, including providing a witness in case of injuries that may result in an indemnity to safeguard any insurance damage or the lack of thereof. Excussion texts.


Support in the claim investigation process, finding evidence and obtaining relevant witnesses to correctly value the claim.

Repatriation of stolen cars

Thanks to its specialized staff with many years of experience in this specific area, and the wide network of contacts established over time, both within the European Union and in neighboring countries, we receive and develop reports related to the identification and seizure of stolen cars, dealing with all the administrative requirements necessary for the repatriation of the cars.

Assistance and checks on security systems

Checks on anti-theft, anti-robbery and fire-fighting systems to verify their proper functioning and any direct and indirect responsibility in the cause or worsening of the event itself.

Confidential investigations

Confidential investigations finalized to search for prejudicial situations and facts on: work accidents, highjackings, thefts, frauds and arson.

Unfaithfulness of employees/contractors

Survey of activities and behaviors that constitute legal and non-legal violation of the duty of loyalty.


Searches of events related to the employment relationship, qualifying in the category of malicious absences.

Defection and double work

Assessment of secondary activity not compliant with the primary.

Photo and video shots

Records of events while respecting privacy.

Business and asset information on companies and persons

Information gathering in assistance and business activities of credit granted covered by insurance policy. Checks on creditworthiness of persons.

Credit recovery investigations and deductible recovery

Searches for insolvent and contumacious creditors, asset investigations for the purpose of ensuring creditworthiness. Recovery of debt through legal counsel.

Financial surveys

Surveys of corporate structure, balance sheet and solvency status, value checks of actual holdings. Ownership structure checks.

Loss prevention

Analysis of the procedures applied and recommendations on any changes needed.

Membership Associations

Membership Associations

    en_GBEnglish (UK)

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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    +12 (0) 345 678 9